

Cyber Crime As Internet usage is growing daily the world is coming closer. The World Wide Web sounds like a vast phenomenon but surprisingly one of its qualities is bringing the world closer making it a smaller place to live in for its users. However, it has also managed to create another problem for people who spend long hours browsing the Cyber World – which is cyber crimes. While law enforcement agencies are trying to tackle this problem, it is growing steadily and many people have become victims of hacking, theft, identity theft and malicious software. Types of Cyber Crimes When any crime is committed over the Internet it is referred to as a cyber crime. There are many types of cyber crimes and the most common ones are explained below: Hacking: This is a type of crime wherein a person’s computer is broken into so that his personal or sensitive information can be accessed. In hacking, the criminal uses a variety of software to enter a person’s computer and the person m


ICTs stand for information and communication technologies and are defined, for the purposes, as a “diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information.” These technologies include computers, the Internet, broad casting technologies (radio and television), and telephony. The  Effectiveness  of ICTs in Education ICTs are a potentially powerful tool for extending educational opportunities, both formal and non-for mal, to previously underserved constituencies—scattered and rural populations, groups traditionally excluded from education due to cultural or social reasons such as ethnic minorities, girls and women, persons with disabilities, and the elderly, as well as all others who for reasons of cost or because of time constraints are unable to enroll on campus. •  Anytime, anywhere .  One defining feature of ICTs is their ability to transcend time and space. ICTs make possible asynchronous learning, o


Around the world, children are excluded from schools where they belong because of disability, race, language, religion, gender, and poverty. But every child has the right to be supported by their parents and community to grow, learn, and develop in the early years, and, upon reaching school age, to go to school and be welcomed and included by teachers and peers alike. When all children, regardless of their differences, are educated together, everyone benefits—this is the cornerstone of inclusive education. What is inclusive education? Inclusive education means different and diverse students learning side by side in the same classroom. They enjoy field trips and after-school activities together. They participate in student government together. And they attend the same sports meets and plays. Inclusive education values diversity and the unique contributions each student brings to the classroom. In a truly inclusive setting, every child feels safe and has a sense of belo


INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS METHOD USES ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES THE LECTURE METHOD A formal or semi-formal discourse is which the instructor presents a series of events, facts, or principles, explores a problem or explains relationships 1. To orient students. 2. To introduce a subject. 3. To give directions on procedures. 4. To present basic material. 5. To introduce a demonstration, discussion, or performance. 6. To illustrate application of rules, principles, or concepts. 7. To review, clarify, emphasise or summarise. 1. Saves time. 2. Permits flexibility. 3. Requires less rigid space requirement. 4. Permits adaptability. 5. Permits versatility. 6. Permits better centre over contact and sequence. 1. Involves one way communication. 2. Poses problems in skill teaching. 3. Encourages student passiveness. 4. Poses difficulty in gauging student reaction. 5. Require highly skilled instructors. THE DISCUSSION METHOD A method in which group di
Achievement test- Definition, objectives, functions, characteristics Introduction Achievement test is an important tool in school evaluation and has great significance in measuring instructional progress and progress of the students in the subject area. Achievement means one’s learning attainments, accomplishments, proficiencies, etc. It is directly related to the pupil’s growth and development in educational situations. Tests should give an accurate picture of students’ knowledge and skills in the subject area or domain being tested. Accurate achievement data are very important for planning curriculum and instruction and for program evaluation. Test scores that overestimate or underestimate students’ actual knowledge and skills cannot serve these important purposes. Definition “Any test that measures the attainments and accomplishments of an individual after a period of training or learning”. NM Downie ‘The type of ability test that describes what a person has lea


Intelligence has been an important and controversial topic throughout psychology's history. Despite the substantial interest in the subject, there is still considerable disagreement about what exactly constitutes intelligence. In addition to questions of exactly how to define intelligence, the debate continues today about whether accurate measurements are even possible. At various points throughout recent history, researchers have proposed some different definitions of intelligence. While these definitions can vary considerably from one theorist to the next, current conceptualizations tend to suggest that intelligence involves the ability to: Learn. The acquisition, retention, and use of knowledge is an important component of intelligence. Recognize problems. To put knowledge to use, people must first be able to identify possible problems in the environment that need to be addressed. Solve problems. People must then be able to take what the
CCE - Boon or Bane?    CCE - Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. The latest education system introduced by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education, India). The system is aimed at reducing the pressure studies exert on students of class 6th to 10th. It is also meant to evaluate a student on every basis. But does it really reduce the pressure? Does it actually evaluate the students in the right way? In one way, CCE is a great way of reducing the final exam phobia, because the chapters taught in the first term will not be repeated in the second (final) term. Thus, during the final exams, students have almost half the portion of what they used to have earlier. CCE dilutes the portion, and this often helps average and below average students to score better. Also, regular tests throughout the year ensure regular revision. CCE also introduced a Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) for the classes IX and XI, starting with the batches of 2012-2013. This PSA helps students